We would love your support to bring art into every classroom. Click HERE to sign up!
Below you will find information about the program, FAQ’s and prepared lesson plans.
Email us if you have more questions. art@canyoncreekpta.org
Art Docent Co-Chairs,
Jessica, Loan & Melissa
The Art Docent Program is led by volunteers. The program began in 1969 and has flourished and continues to be a quality arts literacy enrichment program provided by volunteers for nearly all of Northshore elementary schools. 
Did you know that our schools don’t provide art teachers due to budget constraints? 
  • To ensure there is still art at Canyon Creek, our PTA provides art lessons in every classroom through the Art Docent program! Isn't that amazing!?!
  • We rely on MANY volunteers to keep the program running. Volunteering to teach art is a great way to get into the classroom and support art in our schools.
As an Art Docent, you will help students gain an appreciation for art. The Art Docents can be one person, two people or a team working together for each class. Historically, the Art Docents provide an art project about once a month starting in October. Depending on the teacher's availability, lessons could take 45 minutes to 1hr and about 15 minutes to clean up.
You do not have to be an art scholar or renowned artist; anyone can do this! 
We provide training and there is a pre-planned curriculum at your disposal. All Supplies are provided; however you are welcome to create your own lessons and bring our own supplies. 
For more information, see helpful links below: additional Art Docent details, lesson plans shared by previous art docents and the district's modern curriculum with great artists, artworks, lesson guides, as well as strong and appropriate suggested art projects. 




Annual Art Gala

The Canyon Creek Art Docent Program has a long history of hosting an annual Art Gala in late spring. It’s an amazing event where each student has two pieces of art on display for the rest of the school, their families, and the community to see. 

What if there are no volunteers for my child's room?
  • Our goal is to have at least 1 Art Docent in each classroom. If there isn't one, the teachers typically will carve out time to do art for their class. However, we will call on other Art Docents to help outside of their child's classroom to do 1 or 2 lessons per year, so that we have enough art for the Annual Art Gala.
What if there are multiple volunteers for my child's room?
  • We highly encourage multiple volunteers -  from 2-3 volunteers per class to help with lessons. Each volunteer could take turns leading a lesson while others assist. This has helped the lessons and clean up run very smoothly.
What if I can’t do one lesson each month?
  • We encourage you to still volunteer. Your presence at some lessons could still be helpful to other Art Docents in the class. Or, you could offer the minimum of two lessons needed to ensure the students have art to show in the Annual Art Gala.
We are looking forward to partnering with you!
Art Docent Co-Chairs,
Jessica, Loan & Melissa